SystemTest PM, 19-1-2005 ------------------------ DH, private notes DSP: (AK) code should become more flexible wrt storing histograms PM: adapted code @CERN for DSP-code version 1.4.0, 1.4.1 support is still missing. DSP-1.4.1 doesn't support "the conversion" yet Some new features in STControl (JGK); tdac, gdac scans for P/S PRR. WUP: DCS PRR PP2: nothing to report yet "bit flip problem": 1.1V-> 1.0V voltage reduction * Pxl Workshop Organization * GG suggests to setup a working testbench in the PxlLab; presently all the hardware is packed in boxes. This is greatyl welcomed by the audience! Added in proof: Chairmen for workshop 1) DAQ system architecture - Andreas, Carlo (Tue 15) 2) System Test organization - Joern, Kendall (Wed 16)